Integra Virtual Assistance
Talented people, affordable price

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Administrative Virtual Assistant - For running your business better


Our Services Include

  • Database maintenance
  • Data sorting & organising
  • Reminder service
  • Edit & Proof reading
  • Inbound calls handling & reply
  • Email & Chat support
  • Meeting plan
  • Presentation preparation
  • Calendar management
  • Scheduling
  • Booking and payments
  • Appointment fixing
  • Many more depending upon your need

Our Virtual assistants for administrative services covers many industries. We will allocate the suitable staff based on your exact need. Let us know your exact requirements and we will find you the right person.


(No credit card details required)

USA: 412 267 1529





virtual Assistant Networking
virtual Assistant Networking
Software Technology Parks of India
Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Indu$stry
Virtual Assistance Chamber
of Commerce
Software Technology Association
Pennsylvania Chamber of Business
and Industry