Integra Virtual Assistance
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Virtual Assistants For Financial Research

High quality financial analysts (CFA’s and juniors) are available as virtual assistants for your in-house research team. Rightly skilled specialists are carefully selected to meet your exact requirements.

Here are some of the services offered

  • Equity & fixed income research
  • Company research, sector and industry research
  • Corporate quarterly analysis
  • Comparative analysis
  • Analyst transcription services
  • Financial ratio & statement analysis
  • Valuation modeling, model development and analysis
  • Competitive analysis intelligence and custom business intelligence reports
  • Tailored analysis of industries
  • Data analysis and collection
  • Geographies and markets

Your Benefits

  • Quickly build a team to assist your internal research team
  • Overnight completion of tasks with 24 7 Research assistants
  • Be the first to publish latest advice and content
  • Affordable prices for high calibre research analysts

(No credit card details required)

USA: 412 267 1529





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