Integra Virtual Assistance
Talented people, affordable price

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Real Estate / Realtors & Brokers

  • Full service virtual assistants - Who will execute, the way you want it
  • Get more sales & beat your competition in this tough economy
  • Get a trained part or full-time virtual assistant(s) to support your realty business

Our services include

  • Collection of sales or rental property information from various online portals and upload them to your website
  • Maintenance of realtor's websites such as adding, updating, deleting the properties
  • Email management & database assistance
  • Craig’s list posting of sales or property information
  • Online marketing of your real estate website
  • Search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Posting properties in postlet, backpage, which would increase the number of visits to the your real estate website
  • Perform promotional activities - rental or sales process back page, post let
  • After hours call handling
  • Web design, graphic & banner designs
  • Back-office maintenance & expertise to handle all your real estate software and process
  • Bookkeeping & Accounting
  • Many more depending on your need

Why should you choose us

  • Expertise in handling realtor specific tasks
  • Years of experience & knowledge to help you and offer trusted consultation advice & support to out-smart your competition


USA: 412 267 1529





virtual Assistant Networking
virtual Assistant Networking
Software Technology Parks of India
Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Indu$stry
Virtual Assistance Chamber
of Commerce
Software Technology Association
Pennsylvania Chamber of Business
and Industry