Integra Virtual Assistance
Talented people, affordable price

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Benefits of using our Virtual Assistants

Isn’t it nice to have someone doing everything for you, freeing you focus on building your business and spending more time with your family & kids?  

Doesn’t it get even better when your VA is smart to sort out everything for you & handles the rest of your jobs using her connections and fellow VA’s in their team?

Some other benefits

  • Instant access to highly talented staff part or full-time
  • About 60% or more cost savings compared to having someone seated next to you
  • Absolutely no overheads
  • No holidays, breaks, calling in sick
  • No recruitment costs, space, IT and infrastructure

Reasons to use Integra Virtual Assistant

  • Multi-talented staff carefully picked to suit your exact needs
  • Years of experience handling various industries
  • Pay as you go and NO long term commitments
  • Absolutely no obligation FREE trial

There is so much more we bring it to you in terms of industry knowledge and expertise that we instantly pass it on to you. Our virtual assistants will help you stay ahead of your competitors and constantly out-think them.


USA: 412 267 1529





virtual Assistant Networking
virtual Assistant Networking
Software Technology Parks of India
Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Indu$stry
Virtual Assistance Chamber
of Commerce
Software Technology Association
Pennsylvania Chamber of Business
and Industry